Commercial tourism use

Commercial tourism use of condominiums

Residential project: In the former "Sporthotel Dirninger/ Restaurant Steirerdiele", Mitterberger Straße 345 in Gröbming, condominiums are being built. In addition to the owners' own use, tourism usage (rental to holiday guests) is allowed.

Preliminary remark

The low usage of holiday residences leads to vacant apartments during many weeks of the year, which should be reduced by tourism usage

The building is located in the center of Gröbming. The creation of secondary residences and/or holiday homes is permitted according to the dedication plan.

The tourism usage desirable.

Conditions for tourism usage

In the future residential complex, the touristic use of condominiums is possible and regulated in the house rules.

'Dirninger Vermietung' offers a wide range of services to owners. 

Falls Eigentümer die touristische Nutzung selbstständig durchführen, muß vor Beginn der Vermietung als touristische Unterkunft eine schriftliche Vereinbarung mit ‚Dirninger Vermietung‘ und mit der Hausverwaltung abgeschlossen werden.

Letter from the market town of Gröbming and the mayor